4+ Sessions, Ongoing
Kraken Torso Re-work/Coverup
For this large scale (4+ sessions, 3+ hours per session) torso project, the client already had a pre-existing kraken outline, most of which he wanted to keep, some of which he wanted to change completely. For instance, there is a section on the chest he wasn’t sure what to do with. I suggested adding a trident gripped by a tentacle, which is a new idea that gave life to the old tattoo.

Before - there was a spider on the chest that the client presented to me as an area in which he was open to new ideas.

Digital Concept Art (presented to client post-consultation) - I suggested light blue Japanese finger waves as framing elements, a golden-coloured trident in the chest area, and pinkish undersides to the tentacles to bring variety to the main colour scheme, which is bright teal.

Session 1, we started the golden trident first to brighten the area that bothered the client most - the chest section.

Session 2 - started the bold turquoise of the main kraken body, beginning on the pec.

Session 3 - we covered a lot of surface area with colour.

Session 4 - added a lot of warm pinks/purples, showing the undersides of the tentacles in contrast to the cool tones of the main body.

Session 4 - continuing the tentacle colours in the lower torso. This project is still in progress.